Supporting Developers' Coordination in the IDE
Anja Guzzy, Alberto Bacchelli, Yann Riche, Aarie van Deursen in the Proceedings of CSCW 2015 (ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work), 2015.
LinkWave: a visual adjacency list for dynamic weighted networks
Nathalie Riche-Henry, Yann Riche, Nicolas Roussel, Sheelagh Carpendale, Tara Madhyastha, Thomas J Grabowski, in the Proceedings of the IHM 2014 (26 Conference Francophone sur L'interaction Homme Machine), 2014.
The Role of Conceptual Knowledge in API Usability
Andrew J. Ko and Yann Riche in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC).
PeerCare: Supporting Awareness of Rhythms and Routines for Better Aging in Place
Yann Riche and Wendy Mackay, in the Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Work, 19(1), Springer Verlag (Feb 2010).
Hard-to-Use Interfaces Considered Beneficial (Some of the Time)
Yann Riche, Nathalie Riche, Petra Isenberg, Anastasia Bezerianos, to appear in Extended Abstract of the ACM SIGCHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Apr. 2010)
Studying Always-On Electricity Feedback in the Home
Yann Riche, Jonathan Dodge, Ronald A. Metoyer, to appear at CHI2010 (the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems).
End-User Mashup Programming: Through the Design Lens
Jill Cao, Yann Riche, Susan Wiedenbeck, Margaret Burnett, Valentina Grigoreanu, to appear at CHI2010 (the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), 2010.
Explanatory Debugging: Supporting End-User Debugging of Machine-Learned Programs
Todd Kulesza, Simone Stumpf, Margaret Burnett, Weng-Keen Wong, Yann Riche, Travis Moore, Ian Oberst, Amber Shinsel, Kevin McIntosh, to appear at VL-HCC 2010 (IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing), 2010.
Mélange: Space Folding for Visual Exploration
Nikals Elmqvist, Yann Riche, Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete, in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2009, in press).
Aging and Value in Communication
Yann Riche, Position paper at Age Matter: Bridging the generation gap through technology-mediated interaction, Workshop at the ACM CHI'09 Conference. (the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems).2008
Designing Communications to Support Aging in Place
Yann Riche Ph.D. Thesis from the University Paris Sud (in English)
Mélange: Space Folding for Multi-Focus Interaction
Nikals Elmqvist, Nathalie Henry, Yann Riche and Jean-Daniel Fekete, Proceedings of the CHI2008 (the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems).
Zebra : Exploring participatory design engagement in fieldwork
Yann Riche, Stephen Viller, Matthew Simpson, Proceedings of DIS2008 (the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems).
markerClock: A Communicating Augmented Clock for Elderly
Yann Riche, Wendy Mackay, Extended Abstracts of INTERACT 2007 (the IFIP 2007 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction).
Une horloge communicante pour les séniors
Yann Riche, Wendy Mackay, Extended Abstracts of IHM 2007 (the Conférence Francophone d'Interaction Homme Machine).
PeerCare: Challenging the Monitoring Approach
Yann Riche, Extended Abstracts of INTERACT 2007 (the IFIP 2007 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction).
Technology Probes for the design of a communication systems for seniors
Yann Riche, Ph.D. Confirmation report, University of Queensland, August 2006.2005
Communication Appliances: Shared Awareness for Intimate Social Networks
Wendy Mackay, Yann Riche, Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Position paper to the ACM SIGCHI 2005 Conference workshop on Shared Awareness.
PeerCare: Challenging the monitoring approach to care for the elderly
Yann Riche and Wendy Mackay, Position paper to the HCI and the Older Population Workshop at the British HCI Conference 2005, Edinburg, UK.
An Observational Analysis of Collaborative Actions in the Design Industry
Yann Riche, Matthew Simpson, Lorna MacDonald, University of Queensland, November 2003.Work realized during my M.Sc. in Information Environments at the University of Queensland.